Business Snakes and Ladders
As a child, I recall my grandfather telling me that running a business (and life) is akin to playing the game of Snakes and Ladders. I never understood what he meant until I became an adult and started a business. Running a business is like…
Burning Goals
What is THE Burning Goal for your business? In business, as in life, it is very easy to get caught by the trivia of the world around you. As someone wiser than me has said, “in the absence of goals, we become strangely loyal to…
This Is Not My Responsibility
“This is not my responsibility” is unfortunately a sentence which is heard more than it ever should be in businesses. One of the common factors I find when working with underperforming teams or organisations is a lack of clarity around roles and responsibilities. As a…
Improving Productivity 3 – the Fifty-Minute Block Principle
How much of your day is taken up by responding? Don’t get me wrong clearing your inbox, responding to colleague questions, or texting friends about a catch-up is important, so is getting on with the work that your team and clients depend on you to…
Improving Productivity 2 – the Five-Sentence Principle
How easy is it to sit at your computer, banging out reports, drafting emails or surfing the internet, but come 6 o’clock you wonder what you’ve actually achieved? If you feel like you never have enough time in your workday, there are a few changes…
Improving Productivity – the Five-Minute Principle
How often have you wanted a few more hours in the day? I know I have and without a doubt it is the most common request from business owners. Owning a business is exhilarating but it can also be exhausting, especially if you’re having to…
Reflect to Achieve Business Success in 2022
Let’s face it, for business owners the last two year haven’t been easy. While some have consistently struggled to keep business going, managing through pivots and some hard choices, others have seen their business stay on course—or even boom. Regardless of the situation, business owners…
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