Generating new business to grow your customer base is crucial for long term business success, but it’s also critical to take exceptional care of the customers you already have. Both of these areas of business management have challenges and opportunities.

Here are seven ideas aimed at growing your customer base while retaining your valuable customers. We’re always happy to talk about how to make these actions a reality in your business, feel free to get in touch with a Prime Strategies business advisor near you today.

Idea #1. Have a crystal clear picture of who your customers are

Define your ideal target client base and your actual client base and record who those people are. Are they the same?

Identify your customer’s needs and how well these are matched against your products and services – do they meet those needs? Can you tailor or adjust your offering to meet your client’s requirements? Or, are you targeting the wrong market? Can you customise your services for your clients?  It’s always good to ask your customers for critical feedback, then put plans in place to act on their valuable feedback.

Idea #2.  Define ‘great customer service’ – and consistently deliver

Aim for exceptional customer service every time. Your customers in turn will provide you extra loyalty and leeway on the rare occasions things go wrong.  They will also willingly refer new business to you.

Idea #3. Nurture your existing customers – constantly seeking opportunities for new business

Nurturing existing customers by maintaining regular contact and rewarding them with preferential treatment. Ensure that existing customers have the opportunity to take up new promotions – they should never be penalised for their loyalty and longevity.

It is equally important to target new opportunities to build your customer base. Make sure you have a defined strategy in place for bringing on new clients.

Idea #4. Measure and monitor

It’s important to put measures in place for each initiative and learn from successes and failures.  What’s working/what’s not? Are your marketing activities successful and resonating with your target market? Don’t hesitate to experiment; but always track the effect this has. Refine your approach regularly – focusing your resources on the actions that achieve the best results.

Idea #5. Grow your brand online

Use your online presence to promote your brand.

Social media is a cost effective method to help build your business profile, attract new customers, and open up a communication channel to hear what your market wants. However, it is essential that your online presence is coherent and on brand across channels.

Idea #6. Grow your brand personally

There’s no better ambassador for your business than you! Attend networking events and occasionally host well organised events.

Invest in building connections and extending networks – there is no substitute for personal connections in business. Relationships naturally build business reputation. Hosting events for your customers and their connections demonstrates your network and creates sales opportunities while establishing your brand as a business leader.

Idea #7. Be generous and give back.

It always feels good to be in a position to give something back to your community and local charities

Generosity through sponsorship of a relevant event or supporting local talent is a brilliant way to grow positive brand awareness organically in your local community and attract new customers.

As always, if you want to talk about how to reach out and connect with new clients, our team are here to support your business growth.  Feel free to contact us today.