Prime Strategies Limited | Prime Strategies PTY Limited | Prime Strategies Group
(Herein described as PSG)
PSG, its on-line team and Service Providers take your privacy very seriously.
We provide this Privacy Policy so as to ensure that you are clear about what we do to look after your privacy whilst dealing with us here at PSG whether that be in person or On-line.
This policy explains what we do with your information, and also what we do not do with it.
We provide simple explanations that stand with integrity and honesty in everything we do.
Should you have any other questions, please make contact with us at any time.
1. So what about our use of your information:
1.1 We here at PSG do not and will not ever give, sell or loan your personal information to any party outside PSG without your express permission.
1.2 Should we wish to do so in the future for a particular purpose, we will contact you and get your permission prior to acting.
1.3 Of course we will provide your information to other parties if we believe its release is for any legal compliance and law enforcement (this is inclusive of Government departments that have any statutory enforcement accountability such as the Police and the IRD); for use to facilitate court proceedings; to action or enforce issues within our PSG Terms and Conditions such as Debt Collection
1.4 Of course in the event of a danger or possible danger to our PSG team and their associated work team ,we will provide what information is required at that time and deemed appropriate. This is for the protection of the PSG people, property and any associated party. PSG reserves the right to use their discretion in this matter at all times.
2. Correspondence, Telephone contact and E-Mail:
2.1 As per our general Terms and Conditions, we here at PSG will from time to time, send e-mails and associated information to you as a customer. You have the right to stop the receipt of this information by simply requesting this from PSG, either by requesting this at the bottom of the e-mail or giving us a call here at PSG. We will always respect your privacy at all times.
2.3 We regularly ask for comment and feedback from our customer base as a means of measure for the quality of service we provide to all our PSG members. We ask that you support us with this. There is no obligation to do so at any time.
3. Keeping things up to date:
Here at PSG, we provide the latest information for you as best we can. In turn, we ask that you do the same. If your information changes, please let us know so that we can update our records.
4. So what else do we do with your information?
4.1 Like any big company, research provides us with information as to how we can do better and ultimately provide better service for our customers.
4.2 We collect data from the website to enable us to do this. For example, where you live, demographics, what jobs we have done for you, general website behavioural information. This enables us to see who are using our services and what we need to provide that we currently perhaps do not offer.
4.3 The information may well include your URL, what sites you have just come from and those you head off to next. It may also provide us with your IP Address (your computer address) and what browser you use (EG: Yahoo)
4.4 Any information you provide to us may be used for the collection of any and all such data or placed in a private electronic file.
5. Linked Websites:
5.1 From time to time we at PSG will have other Websites linked to ours. These sites may well ask for your information, and it is your responsibility to be aware of their requests and act accordingly.
5.2 We at PSG have no control over other websites however we will act if we are aware of any misuse at any time.
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