Business Competition
Recently I was having a conversation with a friend about competition and how it related to pricing. The general view was that competition drives prices down – and that’s it. I said it was not necessarily the case and mentioned food process, fuel prices and…
Evaluating new business ideas
People who are self-employed generally like to stay that way. If they sell a business they quickly start another one, and successful owners seem to have a ‘knack’ for coming up with good ideas for new businesses. This ability is based largely on their experience…
Sales & Marketing
Watch your revenue soar What keeps your customers coming back? Do you know your unique market position? Are you happy with your sales results or does your sales and marketing approach need a make over? Our sales and marketing programs enable clients to realise their…
A Business Owner with too many hats
They call this a “Dashing Cavalier” hat: When you are at work as an SME Business owner, do you try and wear one of these? The Dashing Cavalier: The person who can do everything? What I am talking about here is that as a business…
Business regrets
What is your biggest regret in business? When I look back, my biggest regret in business was that I did not engage business advice when I bought my first business. Coming out of a high level corporate role and purchasing a small business was going…
What is your Hourly Rate?
The question of hourly rates is very relevant now. With costs increasing almost everywhere, business margins are being squeezed at a relentless rate. If you are in a service-based industry where your revenue includes a charge for time, then this may be of some interest…
The Importance of Budgeting Every Year
The majority of business owners we work with do not like budgeting. Whether it is because of a lack of excel skills, understanding the construction of how Profit and Loss or Cashflow statement are compiled or the fact it can be boring budgeting on your…
What’s in a margin?
Lately, most of us will have been dealing with rising costs in our businesses. In particular, the rising cost of materials. This is not a new phenomenon, but the frequency of rises on materials has hit new highs and is not showing any signs of…
The Business Advisor / Consultant Paradigm
What do The All Blacks, An Olympic Gold Medalist and Bill Gates have in common? They all employ a coach. They employ a coach to help them “Create the perfect game plan perfectly implemented.” It is no coincidence that the vast majority of businesses that…
Sew, Mow or Row
In your business, are you the: Sewer? (The clothing type – not wastewater!!) Mower? Rower? The Sewer They are the fixers. They spend an extraordinary amount of their time (perhaps all of it) working on things in their business that are broken, or in need…
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